Discussions API Intro

How to interact with the Kinetic Platform's Discussions API


Discussions provides real time chat functionality within the Kinetic Platform. Discussions can be tied to other objects within the system like Forms, Teams, and Submissions.


Create OAuth Client

  • From the space administrator consoles, navigate to Space > Settings > OAuth.
  • Click Add OAuth Client to create an OAuth client.
  • Give the client a descriptive name, like "Integeration User".
  • Configure Client ID to match the username of the user account.
    Note: The username, and subsequently Client ID may only contain alphanumeric characters.
  • Configure Client Secret to be the password of the user account above.
  • Set Redirect URI to "/app/oauth/callback".
  • Click Save Client.

Obtain OAuth Token

To fetch the OAuth token, make an HTTP POST request using the credentials configured above for HTTP Basic Auth to the following endpoint: <SERVER>/app/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&response_type=token where <SERVER> is something like https://my-space-slug.kinetic-platform-location.com.

If successful, the response will contain JSON data with the token stored in the access_token property.

POST https://my-space-slug.kinetic-platform-location.com?grant_type=client_credentials&response_type=token

    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjbGllbnRJZCI6ImJlbnMtaW50ZWdyYXRpb24tdXNlciIsImRpc3BsYXlOYW1lIjoiYmVucy1pbnRlZ3JhdGlvbi11c2VyIiwiZW1haWwiOiIiLCJleHAiOjE1ODc0NDMyMjYsImlzcyI6ImtpbmV0aWMtZGF0YSIsInNwYWNlQWRtaW4iOnRydWUsInNwYWNlU2x1ZyI6InVhdCIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYmVucy1pbnRlZ3JhdGlvbi11c2VyIn0.GDfzsN_mTmDy3pmhlVhb3-BenU_I0sZYLFVtpG5GD-Y",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 43199,
    "scope": "full_access",
    "spaceSlug": "acme",
    "displayName": "integration-user",
    "iss": "kinetic-data",
    "spaceAdmin": true,
    "email": "",
    "username": "integration-user"

JavaScript Example

const result = axios.post(
    // Compute OAuth endpoint.
    // No body data is required.
    // Configure basic auth.
    auth: {
        username: username_variable,
        password: password_value,

Ruby Example

    # Compute OAuth endpoint.
    # Configure basic auth.
    user: username_variable,
    password: password_variable
result = resource.post({ accept: :json, content_type: :json })

Using the OAuth Token

When making API calls, the value of the access_token should be passed in as a Bearer Token (the value of the Authorization header should be Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>).

Response Format

All responses will be returned using the JSON format.